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Nutrition & Health

In Njombe Region,HERVeg.05 has led to a 78.56% decrease in stunting among children under five, thanks to improved access to nutrient-rich vegetables and poultry raising. Families report an 89.67% increase in the variety of vegetables consumed since joining the program, leading to more balanced and nutritious diets.

Our training programs have resulted in a 87.56% increase in participants' knowledge of key nutrition principles, empowering them to make informed dietary choices for themselves and their families.

We track maternal health indicators like reduced pregnancy complications and improved childbirth weight to assess the program's impact on overall maternal and child well-being. Mary, A Farmer in Njombe shares how access to essential vitamins and minerals fromHERVeg.05 vegetables has led to improved energy levels, decreased illness, and overall better health.

Income & Economic Empowerment

Farmers participating in HERVeg.05 report an average income increase of 80% due to vegetable sales and income-generating activities. Improved access to and production of nutritious vegetables contribute to greater food security for participating households, reducing dependence on external sources and mitigating the impact of food price fluctuations.

HERVeg.05 encourages participants to save a portion of their earnings and invest in income-generating activities, fostering long-term financial security. Mary in Njombe highlights howHERVeg.05's focus on female participation has empowered women with income and decision-making power within their households.

This reflects efficient land allocation and minimizes the need for clearing additional land. By promoting diversified farming and water conservation techniques,HERVeg.05 is equipping communities to better weather climate change and food insecurity.

Our KPI monitors the adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) practices and the reduction of reliance on harmful chemicals, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for farmers and consumers.

This metric tracks the overall integration of sustainable farming techniques promoted by HERVeg.05, such as crop rotation, composting, and mulching, ensuring the long-term health of the ecosystem and the sustainability of agricultural production.

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Agricultural Productivity & Sustainability

Farmers report 85.% higher vegetable yields due to training in sustainable practices and access to quality seeds. We assess the biodiversity on participating farms by measuring the variety of plant and animal life present. This helps us ensure that our practices are not detrimentally impacting the surrounding ecosystem and promote ecological balance.

Our key performance indicator for land use efficiency calculates the total area of land used for vegetable production compared to the total available land in the program.

Reaching Further, Building a Brighter Future

Currently,HERVeg.05 oper48ates in 5 districts, impacting the lives of over 3000 farmers and their families. Our ambitious vision is to expand our reach to 1,000,000 farmers across Tanzania in the next 10 years, fostering a nation of food security, health, and prosperity.

These are just a few glimpses into the transformative power of HERVeg.05. Every vegetable bundle planted, every skill learned, and every life improved is a testament to the program's impact. Join us as we continue to cultivate a healthier, more prosperous future for Tanzania, one nutrient-rich bite at a time.

Agriculture Organization in Tanzania
Agriculture Organization in Tanzania
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If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to us using the contact information provided.